mercoledì 22 gennaio 2020

Corona con renne/ Crown with reindeer

Parlando ancora di vacanze  voglio mostrarvi un piccolo lavoretto di Natale per la  mia porta di casa.

Speaking of holidays again, I want to show you a little Christmas job for my front door.

Piccole renne in feltro, complete di sciarpa e campanellino, inserite su una corona di rami

Small felt reindeer, complete with scarf and bell, placed on a crown of branches

Ed ecco il risultato finale.....

And here is the final result.......

Per voi ho trovato, sul web, un tutorial sul punto utilizzato per cucire le renne

For you I found, on the web, a tutorial on the point used to sew the reindeer

Un saluto

5 commenti:

Eloisa ha detto...

Un adorno muy bonito.
Gracias por el enlace.

Isabel Ruiz ha detto...

Tu puerta quedo muy chula !!!

Drora's minimundo ha detto...

Cute reindeers. they look beautiful on the door.

PILAR6373 ha detto...

Te quedó muy bonito!

Unknown ha detto...

As claimed by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the ONLY reason women in this country get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 42 pounds lighter than we do.

(And actually, it really has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret diet and EVERYTHING about "HOW" they eat.)

P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

TAP on this link to see if this little test can help you release your real weight loss potential